
"The ethereal temple master! Take advantage! I see! "

Walking clouds, thinking, flashing hands, breaking bridges, and iron swords are all moving!
The principle of martial arts belongs to the same way. This gain-from-the-fact method is not known by the ethereal palace master, but no one can do it like that, and he can borrow the power of heaven and earth. The old monk is also gaining momentum at this time and has set a plan before him!
"That good behavior seems to be bold and reckless, but it seems to be a cover-up, and then he describes in words how just and thoroughly his sword is, and then he borrows that pace to make me feel discouraged, and then he sets up a campaign many times and then gains momentum! What a calculation! If it weren’t for his step too much like the ethereal heavenly palace master, I would really fall into it this time! When it’s amazing!
Who would have thought that the seemingly generous and kind old monk had set up a game with a single blow? "Cloud mind induction suddenly woke up.
At this time, he also lost a lot of experience in walking clouds. Although he is still young, he has experienced many masters, but there are even more peerless masters like Kaiser and the master of the ethereal heavenly palace. Otherwise, if it weren’t for the sword, Zhudao and his party, I am afraid that walking clouds would really be repelled by this good sword today!
These are just a flash in the cloud’s mind. When you think about it thoroughly, you will see that his face is heavy and his hands are anxious to pinch the rain. The two strands of Yan and Yu Xu immediately turned to break the bridge, and the iron sword rolled back to the Tianhe River! Cried the good and great Excalibur and hit it in one place!
Don’t be afraid of the clouds! He wants to face it!
These three swords are about to collide with each other, and the masters of the various factions around them are all surprised and secretly call out "No!" At the same time, in the previous step, the door was blocked, and the sword was transported in front of him in succession!
Before the Qing Palace, it wasn’t too big. The walking clouds and the kind old monk were not too far away from the onlookers. Why don’t you think they should wait? Their three magic swords collided together, which is as powerful as you can imagine. People with poor martial arts around here need to be taken care of.
See the blow caused by GangFeng all over the sky! Shoot out in four miles! It’s amazing!
Then there’s a loud noise, and then get out!
This loud noise is even bigger than the previous Qu Zhengqiu’s, and most of it is frightening to hear it in the mountains, not to mention the people present.
At this time, I felt dizzy in my mind. Without the experts in their respective sects, they blocked the radiant Gangfeng, and with the flash of these people, I might have been hurt!
This loud noise is far away, and then a few birds are thrown out of the nest!
And this loud noise also woke up a person.
"Has the war started?"
A thin figure appeared at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain at this time.
Showing half a pale face, the other parts were covered by a towel, and the thin body was wearing clouds and the same blue coat. The young man came to see the noise of Qingcheng Mountain, and he woke up immediately.
I saw that the green shadow flashed and people were already rushing!
Break the great reputation of Chebo again (Chapter 331)
Break the great reputation of Chebo again (Chapter 331)
Yunyun saw through the good old monk’s plan, but the strength in that blow was real. Yunyun, who really hit together, cried a shock!
The walking cloud is going to pick up the blow, and this strength has filled the walking cloud’s feet and died into the field! You know, that place is made of bluestone!
"I’m not influenced by his tactics. Why is his strength still so strong?" At this time, the clouds actually have a great sense of anger and blood churning!
The people around you just breathed a little sigh of relief at this time. It’s terrible for these two people to strike a blow! Just now, that song was in the autumn, and it was more about being quick and quick, while this goodness was about strength competition!
Xingyun was just hit by that sword. At this time, the good Excalibur Dache swung over again. The sword has not come to coercion! It’s like Taishan coping! As soon as the clouds make a determined effort, the double swords are turned over again, and then there is another bang! The clouds are sinking again!
That’s it. I feel like I have blood to spit out after walking five times! Heart andao "it’s not the way to go like this. His sword is so powerful and strange that I can’t fight so hard. I have to change my method!"
But he doesn’t know good, and his heart is even more surprised at this time!
"How can this young man meet me this taxiing five strikes? If he dares to pick it up, it means that he has seen through my plan, but that’s my great power. How can he pick it up more than five times by himself? How old was he to be so successful? "
It turns out that the soul of the good sword is already taxiing!
At this time, it is good to think that the clouds are always no longer hard-connected to the good sword. Although the strength can be great, it is not enough. When the clouds sink and drink, they are pulled up. Just then, the five records actually hit the clouds down to the knees!
It is precisely because of this that the clouds can be pulled up at this time to take off.
It’s easy for a cloud to leap, but it’s not flexible when people are in it. It’s also a good leap, but it’s not easy to miss such an opportunity. Then he saw his great Excalibur swept over at once!