
The list of undercover personnel is absolutely confidential. If anyone leaks it, he will either be dismissed or punished. He doesn’t want to be like this!

Although the four young players in front of them have unusual backgrounds, although they are the best police officers in the police station, he still can’t say that it is enough for them to have a line of Li Yuan.
Don’t need any more!
"So how does this Sir Zhong compare with talking?" Gu Jingke beside ask eyes light to zhao bureau don’t show color.
"I don’t know about this," Zhao Bureau slowly shook his head. "I always come to tell you what will surprise you today. Don’t be too disappointed. There will be a second transaction for the first time."
"What’s worse, it didn’t work for the first time!" Zhao Bureau turned his hand into a fist and said slowly, "I can tell you not to be too hit and ruin the progress of one thing."
"Zhao Bureau, are we so vulnerable to people?" Cheng Man blinked lightly. "Zhao Bureau, we won’t worry about you again if you accept your heart first."
Zhao Bureau took a deep breath and sighed, "I know that your ability has never really worried."
"It’s not your fault. It’s a problem in their department. I’ll treat you to a food stall at night and let all the police officers go today. Just put it in my account!"
Cheng Man took a hand and said, "Zhao Bureau, this is what you said. Don’t go back on your word!"
"Never go back on our word!" Zhao bureau solemnly nodded and then took a look at the four people. Intuitively, I felt bad. I was here again when the light bulb quickly walked to the door and then turned around.
Make faces at Qi Shaochen. "You treat her well or you’ll climb to my head."
This means naturally that Cheng Man’s party is slow to respond and confused. Looking at Cheng Man’s extremely tangled expression, Mu Ming and Gu Jingke glances at each other.
Smiling people are just too slow to respond to some things …
When Zhao Bureau left, several people talked. "This time I saw Li Yuanyou following, which seems to be being watched."
"Now that Sir Zhong has come here to prove that the water is getting muddy, it’s more interesting to think about it now." Cheng Man shook his head slightly. "I’ll treat you to a big meal when I catch them all!"
Muming spread his hand. "But now we have to go home to sleep!"
Words fall a handsome turn round and Gu Jingke left the office Cheng Man limited sorrow way "this man is now can’t be too used to"
"It’s a pity to think about the problems in their department this time, or there won’t be many hidden dangers if the goods are suppressed."
Qi Shaochen listened to her and her eyes were gentle. Cheng Man turned around and didn’t believe it. When he glanced at his eyes, his heart trembled and his heart beat faster.
This man has such magic that he can kill you inadvertently!
But why didn’t you find this function before? Cheng Man was sleepy and looked at his face with some trance-
Qi Shaochen held out his hand in front of her eyes and shook Cheng Man slightly. Then he came to his senses and stared, "What are you doing!"
"What are you looking at?" Qi Shaochen licked his lips and pointed to his face. "Is there something dirty on this side or is it attractive to keep your eyes still?"
Cheng Man’s ears quickly rose and a hot air burned badly. She hurriedly said, "Fuck your attraction. Don’t flatter your face. It’s just that your face is muddy!"
Qi Shaochen followed his words and said, "Then wipe it for me?"
And he leaned his face toward her side. Cheng Man held out his hand and approached his face, but he grabbed his wrist gently before touching his face.
He moved her whole person into his arms. He lowered his head and eyes to his eyes and said, "What should I do? I seem to like you more and more …"
When Cheng Man Zheng didn’t react, his lips had already printed her roots and he didn’t have a chance to refuse!
It’s amazing how he didn’t find that this man had such a powerful means that she didn’t know how to refute it before her eyes were enlarged!
Section 211
Qi Shaochen kissed her lips as if caring for a treasure. His eyes closed and his right hand stretched out from behind and clung to the back of her head.
He opened his eyes and found that she didn’t close them. He murmured from her lips, "Close your eyes to enjoy being obedient."
But Cheng Man did not move and stared at his original kiss. He felt that the day before yesterday was too fast and his heart was surprised enough to enjoy it.
Now it feels very different. It’s just shocking!
In fact, she wanted to close her eyes, but her eyelids didn’t listen to her, and she just stared wildly. She felt that her heart must be too shocked to control it.