
Oh, my god He knows that the proprietress is from Wansheng Island. Although he doesn’t know exactly where Wansheng Island is, Liangcheng is close to the Fire Palace. Many people here have heard of the Twelve Halls of the Magic Gate in the Xiuxian Sect. I heard that Wansheng Island is the Twelve Halls and One Hall.

Although he doesn’t know how powerful the Twelve Halls of the Magic Door are, people who can cultivate immortals are definitely not to be provoked by these small people!
Moreover, the proprietress once showed her hands, and severely taught those bullies who came to the inn to find trouble, which made them dare to bully again.
And just now, those three proprietresses who were born in Wansheng Island couldn’t buckle out the silver, and how powerful the little girl in white was!
On his side, Youzi suddenly felt a slap in the back of his head, looked up and saw the proprietress staring at a pair of almond eyes and shouted to him, "Why don’t you go and wait on him?"
"Small white! Go small! " Xiao er hurriedly promised to anoint the soles of his feet with oil and ran to the back hall for fear that he would slow down and offend the three people.
So he stumbled into the kitchen again. He rushed to the kitchen table and said to the girl in green who was gnawing chicken feet, "Miss Jingle, don’t eat yet. The boss of the three guests ordered me to cook the best food and send it!"
When Lin Ling raised his eyebrows, he was worried by Xiao Er. He still chewed his chicken feet completely. Only then did he throw the bones aside in a small bamboo basket and grab a clean rag while wiping his hands and lazily got up and said, "Look what’s wrong with you? Does the character still need the boss’s wife’s personal order?"
Chapter 44 Beginners in Liangcheng (3)
"I’m not sure if this means that she can’t afford to offend people." Xiao Er stretched out his hand and wiped his forehead, but he didn’t know whether it was hot or nervous. He accompanied the words carefully.
Let’s just say that the proprietress of the building can’t afford to offend the role, but this one is really that he can’t afford to offend a risk-averse
This sister who heard that she was the boss’s wife never sold the boss’s face. When she was happy, she made you something delicious. When she was unhappy, she just disappeared.
Piansheng’s skill is really unique. Even today’s Shengdu once sent someone to invite her to the palace to be a chef. If it were for others, she would not be overjoyed. However, she poured out a word to the bearer and said that she would like to eat her cooking, so she came to Yuelai Inn herself. She never cooks in other people’s houses.
The people in the palace were so angry on the spot that they threatened to seal the Yuelai Inn, but the aunt should eat, drink and play every day like an innocent person, and the proprietress just let her scare them.
But who knows that in a few days, the emperor actually went out on patrol by himself.
The emperor went on patrol, of course, with his own guards and imperial secretary. Naturally, he, a small person, didn’t even have the opportunity to serve in useful life. It’s already the life of the third generation.
He didn’t know at all that the emperor was satisfied with the process, so he returned it and sent a large number of rewards and a plaque-pure gold to create a "kitchen god"!
This plaque is still hanging in the lobby of Yuelai Inn! He feels particularly excited when he sees it every day!
But this aunt doesn’t seem to take the emperor’s reward seriously at all and says that the pure gold plaque is too tacky!
The second brother shivered.
Vulgar …
Dare to say so, it is estimated that there is this aunt!
So thinking about his look at the bells and respectful for a few minutes.
Bells twist a head glanced at him, eager eyes felt a puzzling for him not goose bumps shake a shake, "know you go first! Come and serve food in a quarter of an hour. "
You can tell that the aunt is in a good mood today, and she immediately agreed with her smile and turned to walk away.
At least he has worked in this inn for four years, and he still knows very well that Miss Linling never likes to be disturbed when she is cooking, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!
Having stepped out of the kitchen, he suddenly remembered an important thing and hurriedly turned back to a drum in his heart.
As expected, after seeing him return, Lin Ling immediately showed an impatient face and wrote such a threatening sentence as "You’d better have something important".
He didn’t hesitate to spill the beans quickly. "The guest also ordered’ Ice Spirit with Spring’ and the proprietress said to send it to you …"
This ice spirit contains spring bubble method. This aunt knows him, and it is also a last resort to bite the bullet and beg her.
Lin Ling’s eyes turned round and round and finally came to the interest. "Even the’ ice spirit with spring’ is willing to take it out to entertain you. It seems that you have a lot of money. Go to the backyard and take out the oil bag of ice in the well. Be careful not to break it. If you spill it, you will really sell yourself to the boss’s wife!"
"Hey!" Xiao er replied and ran out. Soon he ran back with a slap in the face and a big oily paper bag.
Lin Ling wrapped the paper with a string and found a piece of cloth to wipe the water outside carefully before wrapping the paper.
Small 2 atmosphere all dare not follow after watching the things wrapped in paper, he suddenly felt a sense of force and almost sat down on the ground and looked at Lin Lingshi again. His expression was extremely nai.
This aunt is really a tease. The paper bag is a tightly sealed copper box, but she is determined to scare him and make him want tea to spill when the oiled paper is broken.
Out of the corner of his eye, he was in a good mood after seeing Xiao Er’s reaction to a hook in the corner of his mouth.
She took a porcelain spoon and said to Xiao Erdao, "Go and get the blue and white porcelain tea set in the left cupboard."
When the other party brought the tea set, she took two spoonfuls of tea powder from the copper box and put it in the teapot, then waved her hand and drove people out.
After Xiao Er went out, he finally listened for a while and gently pulled the door back to the lobby to continue greeting the guests.