

"Where did the squeezing force come from?"

"I don’t think this squeezing force is a big head. They let the devil do it." I almost jumped up, but everyone laughed. Rely on my arms and never speak. Lu Keqin hooked my neck with his backhand and said,…


The scenery is more beautiful than I thought for the first time. The whole paradise.

I spent my honeymoon here without being disturbed. Half a month passed unconsciously. With the arrival of my sister-in-law Li Qing, I had to leave reluctantly. In 1956, the new year was new. Seeing off his wife and sister, Li…


"The fastest is Long," Yang Mi replied.

"Ah-"YingBao some depressed. "Ha ha, of course, I don’t recommend this method. After all, since it is difficult to operate, it is somewhat dangerous and …" Yang Mi’s face flashed with a blush and gently lowered "and the flower stand…


"Don’t want to suppress bad after that, you can keep your distance from me." I looked up and glanced at the appearance of forbearance. Dan Tai glass couldn’t help but remind me of her lip angle.

"How can I be willing to part with you? You are really a grinding goblin." Dan Tai Li left a shallow kiss on my forehead and my eyes were full of desire. "What’s wrong with me, you stallion?" I muttered…


"Wild goose back to the elder brother of the golden dragon turtle I know some …"

"Qin Ge Xiao Ge eldest brother please go back to your horse in a hurry" shouted the thunder hand not far away. "What do you know about Angie Yu Golden Dragon Turtle?" Gu anqi nodded "Now I can’t tell you…


In case he starts to fight for hegemony, the demon clan will be the first to bear the brunt and put an end to this. Only the pain killer will kill everything in the cradle.

"With the help of external forces, even if you succeed, how much strength can you have?" Closing one’s eyes, Taiyi fell into enlightenment and wanted to break the quasi-holy limit by his own strength. "Hum! These bloodthirsty people dare to…


Even your day is gray all the year round, and there are constant jumps in the thunder.

Let a person have a sense of depression at a glance. Only in this environment can people associate the words "wild" with the whole wilderness. In order to resist the massive invasion of fierce beasts and demons every year There…


Tianjiao in the distance rolled their eyes when they heard Lu Chen’s words. They felt that Lu Chen had expanded. They said that you can learn one kind and burn incense. How much do you want to learn in ten thousand years?

In the concept of high world, 10 thousand years is just a short period of time. I’m afraid it will be more than hundreds of thousands of years at a time to learn and understand Gao Cheng. They admit that…


"Ha ha ha warm son shy? But just like a demon, I almost didn’t hook my soul away … "

"Brother!" It’s really embarrassing to see her. Fu Yunyi stopped teasing her when she was too good. She smiled and sighed, "Warm son, I really have a relationship with the car. We made out twice in the car. When will…


Tathagata nodded and smiled. "I haven’t seen Uncle Man for a long time. Say hello to Uncle Man for me!"

"good!" Wu professional nodded- At the same time In a secret conversation between two black-robed men in a valley. "Hurry and tell the venerable Jiang Tai of Jia Ye that he has returned to Da Lei Yin Temple!" "Jiang Tai…